I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst specializing in providing behavioral therapy to people of all ages and abilities. Whether you are a person looking for someone to understand your unique needs, or  parent looking for support with your children or teens, my services are right for you. I love supporting clients from all walks of life, I have specialized experience within the neurotypical and neurodivergent populations including, but not limited to, those with Autism, ADHD, Anxiety disorders and general behavior concerns. I am passionate about illuminating what is important to my clients, and supporting them in identifying the areas that are holding them back from achieving their wildest dreams. I believe at some point, the world discourages us from dreaming, and that I can help you get back on track. 

Board Certified Behavior Analyst specializing in providing behavioral therapy to people of all ages and abilities.

Hi, i'm Allie!

Alexandra Newell, Allie, MS BCBA

Advocating & serving neurodivergent children and their families through my own experience as a child with ADHD.

I so badly wanted to be the “good kid”

For as long as I can remember, I have had a passion for advocating for others, educating and supporting my community.  I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adolescent, an experience that has shaped my practice significantly. As a child, I so badly wanted to be the “good kid” my family, friends and teachers expected me to be. But I just didn't understand the rules of the game I was playing. I look back on my life and am thankful for those who took the time to truly get to know me, how my brain operated and what I needed to be successful. This experience has allowed me to gain a unique insight into the minds and behaviors of my clients and tailor programs to address not only what they need to accomplish, but more importantly, what they want to accomplish. I started this business to be what I needed as a child, for others. 

Through evidence-based interventions tailored to your unique needs and desires, I can help you overcome a wide range of challenges. With a focus on mindfulness and balance, I'll help you achieve your full potential and live your best life.

meet your behavioral therapist

3. I am a vegetarian and passionate conservationist

2. My dog Baxter is my biggest "why" in life

4. My favorite way to practice mindfulness is through yoga 

1. I am a proud neurodivergent woman with ADHD

6. I am a lover of hiking, camping & all things outdoors

5. I am a proud, bilingual Puerto Rican American

"Allie helps her clients with reaching new milestones."

Allie is PHENOMENAL. Her can-do attitude shines brightly in dedicating her time to help her clients with reaching new milestones. Diving into behavioral therapy can be a big change for families, but Allie helps make this a POSITIVE change. She makes you feel like you are a part of a team; always asking for feedback and other ideas to make sure everyone's voice is being heard.


"Allie doesn’t give up on learning how a child learns best."

Allie puts all of herself into helping children grow and learn. She doesn’t give up on learning how a child learns best and using that to help a child learn more. That I know from taking the chance myself and seeing the growth in my child from start to finish it is a world of difference and totally worth the time and effort. Without it I truly believe she would not have come anywhere close to where she is today.


"Allie actively collaborates with her clients to curate a values-based path"

When Allie discusses treatment planning with the families she serves, she doesn't attempt to impose what she thinks will be best onto a client. She comes prepared with various options and actively collaborates with her clients to curate a values-based path toward the goals that matter most to them.


"She becomes a partner and is willing to pivot and get creative"

Allie considers the home environment, your child's personality, and your parenting style rather than expecting you to conform. She becomes a partner and she is willing to pivot and get creative to find the right solution for your child and your family.


"In the right hands, your child can only get better!"

If you are a parent worried about what might happen to your children, believe me that in the right hands your child can only get better! Allie is super professional and loves kids 😄


"Nothing resonated with me as much as ACT."

Knowledge is powerful. If you ever attempted to work on yourself by getting help and the "help" left you feeling like you're still stuck in the same spot with nothing but some expensive nice sounding words; get this service. The very first few lesson with Allie, did more work for me than months of other services I've tried. Nothing resonated with me as much as ACT. I went into this experience hoping to help my work and instead found ways to improve every area in my life.


" She changes your perspective and helps you embrace all your child’s potential."

Allie takes away the negative stigma and stereotypes of autism. She changes your perspective and helps you embrace all your child’s potential.


"Allie supported the goals that I had or my daughter as a person and as a family."

Allie supported the goals that I had or my daughter as a person and as a family. Pushing her to move forward in her goals and being a friendly support. Allie was always positive in her interactions with my daughter making her feel comfortable.


Testimonials included within this site are only from former clients, never from current clients. While many were unsolicited, others were solicited following discharge from services. A single asterisk * indicates that a testimonial was unsolicited, and a double asterisk ** indicates that a testimonial was solicited.

As stated within the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Guidelines for Responsible Conduct for Behavior Analysts, “behavior analysts do not solicit testimonials from current clients or patients or other persons who because of their particular circumstances are vulnerable to undue influence.”

I'm here to help! 

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I want to make the first step as simple as possible. Set up a complimentary discovery call to learn if my therapy services are a good fit for you and your family